Women Writing in the West

 In Professional Speaking

NEW AWARD for HIDDEN ONES:  2018 WILLA Literary Award Winner for Original Softcover Fiction Category. It was judged by librarians and scholars. Awards were given in Walla Walla, WA this fall.  Women Writing the West honors the American writer, Willa Cather, who wrote My Antonia, Death Comes to the Archbishop.

When I was a kid reading My Antonia, I never dreamed I, too, would write books. Willa Cather was my heroine because not only did she win a Pulitzer Prize in 1923 for One of Ours, she also focused on immigrant families in her prairie trilogy.

This is the fourth FIRST PRIZE for HIDDEN ONES—A Veil of Memories.


Take a look at a quick slide from Marcia’s presentation of Women Writing in the West if you missed it:

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